Saturday, October 15, 2011

Part 2: Pouch Cove

When you travel this area you can often come upon a village unannounced or miss it entirely if you don't know what seemingly unimportant road to take tot he hidden village. Fortunately a sign of the next town came in the form of its local pharmacy. Being a little thirsty Jay and I decided to stop. After snapping a shot of the store's sign we went in and were greeted by a wholesome mother daughter team. What truly beautiful people. Their opening question was 'hope you don't mind me asking why you took a picture of our sign?' I answered that their sign would be helpful to me later when reviewing my photos and would signify when the Pouch Cove photos begin. They both seemed amazed and pleased. We asked them what kind of photo opportunities we could expect in the cove and they both seemed surprised that we would even consider taking pictures of their town exclaiming that there wasn't much to see there. Instead they urged us to take in the village of Bauline. This turned out to be great advice. I think they were sad to see us leave.

Although they were right about Bauline they could not have underestimated their own village more. What must have once been a very busy cove was now diminished to two flats of small boats tied down to an inclined dock (apparently called a slipway) that climbed a treacherous drop from the highway to the shore (see pictures). Jay and I noticed the sad posting from the Pouch Cove Harbour authority. Notice the paltry $25 annual docking fee. We guessed that in its heyday the harbour would have surely taken in hundreds to thousands each season from each vessel.

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